Past service archive

  • 4/11/2017 - AL turbo took too long to spin down. 4/13 - Turbo was programed incorrectly; AL vent valve corroded. Order a DCU and valve.  Reprogram the AL turbo. Recovered on 4/18.
  • 6/23/2017 - line defect in Falcon III. 6/28 - Mask out the line by lineariation calibration & defect detection procedure.
  • 10/24/2017 - DM USB COM8 error, GIB error, similar to 9/19,8/10,7/18,6/22. Power cycle K2 PC.
  • 10/25/2017 - Tem server crash, similar to 10/19, 8/26.
  • 10/30/2017 - System Down due to chilling water problem triggered by power interruption in the Advanced Biosciences Center. Recovered on 10/31/2017. On 11/02/2017, another power interruption in ABC brought down the instrument. Recovered on 11/02/2017.
  • 11/06/2017 – Half of K2 view is lost due to a data port error on the processing rack. Waiting for service. Recovered after letting it rest for half a day.
  • 11/08/2017 – Fix the bypass issue of the UPS by Toshiba, instrument shut down by FEI. Recovered on 11/08/2017.
  • 11/09/2017 – Autoloader failure.  Remote check done on 11/10/2017. On-site service on 11/13 and 11/14. 11/14/2017 – fix sensor status mismatch. further testing suggests the autoloader needs extensive service. fix cartridge gripper arm motion error by increasing compressed air pressure. Recovered on 11/20/2017.
  • 12/22/2017 - Autoloader vacuum leak after cover switch. System is down. On-site service resumes on 1/2/2018. System back to operational on 1/13/2018.
  • 01/22/2018 - Fix Phase plate movement error; repair health monitor. 
  • 02/14/2018 - fix Gatan water filter leak (Thermofisher)
  • 02/22/2018 - fix alpha-motor worm gear, ribbon cable, replace stage motion control board, SMCB.
  • 02/25/2018 - chiller power outage. Recovered on 02/25.
  • 03/29/2018 - Autoloader failure, tracking error (ALX). Replace Autoloader cartridge control arm assembly, Autoloader application board, temperature control application board, HV angle valve, and Pirani medium range gauge. Software upgrade: Titan UI 2.9.1, GMS 3.22. System back to operational on 4/17/2018.
  • 04/30/2018 - replace compressed air hose connectors.
  • 05/07/2018 - K2 summit processor down. System down. A processor blade was bad and replaced. System back to operational on 5/18/2018.
  • 06/09/2018 - Power interruption, chillers down. Recovered on 06/09.
  • 06/18/2018 - GIF slit cannot be retracted. The controller’s solenoid is broken. Replace slit controller board on 06/20.  System back to operational on 6/21/2018.
  • 07/23/2018 - Instrument down due to stage tracking error. Loosen the Y clamping block on 7/25. To replace the clamping block on a future date.
  • 07/26/2018 - GIF cooling failure. Recovered on 7/30.
  • 08/13/2018 - Replace Falcon 3EC sensor pack; apply software patch to IGP control, fix IGPcl and IGPco errors after conditioning; replace stage clamping block Y; replace cooling water filter; new gun alignment. Back to operational on 8/17/2018.
  • 09/09/2018 - Autoloader failure, motion tracking error (ALX, ALZ). Back docker pin is broken. Replace Docker assembly, C3, SA apertures’ X-axis MicroE sensors. A new Autoloader cover is ordered for future services. System back to operational on 10/01.
  • 10/10/2018 - Autoloader failure. Vad could not be openned. Switch vacuum on failed.  10/11/2018 - Autoloader vacuum gauge may need replacement. Partially operational. 10/18/2018 - Replace Autoloader Dewar gauge. System back to operational on 10/19.
  • 11/08/2018 - Krios warmed up, then shutdown for eletrical work in the Aquilos room. Cold start on 11/09/2018.
  • 11/28/2018 - Autoloader failure. Cartridge arm stopped at 0.25m, load cartridge failed; exchange failed. 11/29 - fix docker movement by adjusting the docker open air line; autoloader failed to hand over the cartridge to the holder. 12/3 - split column to adjust the holder and cartridge gripper exchange position. Back to operational on 12/6.
  • 01/20/2019 - Autoloader vacuum failure (Valt cannot be opened). 01/23 - replace autoloader gauges (PPal), reset Vad valve. Back to operational on 01/24.
  • 01/29/2019 - System shutdown/warm start for construction. Check FEG stability.
  • 02/13/2019 to 02/22/2019  - Replace FEG emitter. Fix DataService/Health monitor.
  • 02/27/2019 to 03/01/2019 - Stage service, replace donator X.
  • 03/11/2019 to 3/12/2019 - Stage service. Adjust stage alpha zero (-2 deg). Power cycle Ceta. Redo Ceta gain, fluoscreen gain. 
  • 04/17/2019 - K2 failure, ADC sync error. 4/22 - K2 remote service by Gatan. 5/9 - replace ADC assembly in the digitizer, ADC sync error remains. 5/10 - Remove K2 digitizer from the microscope, ship it back to the factory. 5/23 - Uninstall K2 by Gatan, ship back to the factory. 6/4 - Repair of K2 continues at the factory. Parts to be replaced: Thermal pads, Cylinder Block, Plugs, Fitting, O-Rings, Drive rods, Pistons, Washers, Assembly Sensor. 6/27 - K2 installation. 6/28 - Sevice completed.
  • 05/07/2019 - HalCcbMisc communication error, remote service by Thermo.
  • 05/08/2019 - HP Apollo movie frame storage server failure. 5/17 - temporarily back to operational, error light remains on. 5/23 - Replace HP Apollo battery, error light gone.
  • 05/08/2019 - Stage tracking error, No measurement Axis Y. 5/15 - replace Y microE encoder.
  • 06/29/2019 - Power outage. Chilllers out. Lenses down. Recovered on 7/1.
  • 07/13/2019 - Autoloader cartridge sensor failure. Remote service on 7/15, warm up autoloader. Recovered on 7/16.
  • 08/26/2019 - Titan software upgrade to Titan UI 2.14.1, GMS 3.23. CETA2 speed upgrade. System back to operational on 8/30/2019.
  • 9/28/2019 - Autoloader cartridge sensor failure. 9/30/2019 - Remote service. AL/CL conditioning. 10/1/2019 - Problem remains after conditioning. 10/4/2019 - on-site service, open autoloader cover, clean up by duster. Recovered on 10/4/2019.
  • 12/6/2019 - Planned Chilled water interruption. Shut down chillers, Lens boards, Lens supply, optics switch, turbo pumps. HT off, FEG operate off. Recovered on 12/09.  
  • 12/29/2019 - Stage failure.  1/3 - XG fell off the holder upon stage initialization. Blow off the XG from the pole piece using nigrogen gas (XG presumably lost in the cryobox). 1/6 - swap microE X and Y encoders and test. Order microE encoder. 1/7 - shipment delayed. 1/8 - replace microE encoder. 1/10 - phase plate service, re-define obj aperture and phase plate slots. Recovered on 1/11.
  • 01/31/2020 - Stage MicroE calibration, optimise sensor signal.
  • 02/07/2020 - Beam blocked by objective aperture assembly. Replace X MicroE of objective aperture. Realign objective and SA apertures. Replace fluscreen battery. Adjust Stage wires. Check flucam and refocus it. Recovered on 2/12. 
  • 2/14/2020 - Autoloader failure. Fix the metal cover above the cassette gripper arm. Apply grease to stage worm gear. Recovered on 2/20.
  • 2/16/2020 - Wall panels chiller broken (water pipe bursted). Water damage restoration till 2/28. 
  • 3/2/2020 - Gatan GIF connection is broken. Recovered on 3/3 by removing the USB cable to the monitor and power cycle GIB power supply.  
  • 3/9/2020 - Remove K2 and install K3. Upgrade Titan UI 2.15.3 build 53414. EPU 2.6.1. Tomography 4.12. GMS 3.32.2403.0. Installation completed on 3/30.
  • BAD cap/sync - 4/19/2022(x2), 4/18/2022, 4/3/2022, 3/16/2022, 3/14/2022(x2), 2/24/2022, 1/20/2022, 1/14/2022, 1/13/2022, 11/23/2021, 11/18/2021, 10/22/2021, 
  • 4/22/2020 - Realign objective aperture and phase plate slots. 
  • 7/17/2020 - Power outage. Warm start FEG, Restart Titan PC, K3 PC, K3 power supply, power cycle GIB. Recovered internally. 
  • 7/28/2020 - Stage service, tapping X microE causes the stage to move erroneously. Restored by tightening the screw on the X clamping block.
  • 7/29/2020 - Complete shutdown, power cycle UPS. UPS goes to on-line. Power cycle Falcon CMTS during restart to fix a connection error.  
  • 8/4/2020 - Thermo service. Replace stage X clamping block on 8/4. Update licences on 8/5.
  • 9/2/2020 - Thermo service, annual PM, X-ray check.
  • 9/3/2020 - Switch off holder detector in compustage dialog.
  • 9/18/2020 - Change water filter (warm up detectors, lens boards off); fix SN of phase plate power supply tool; clean up stage gear.
  • 9/29/2020 - Objective stigmator Y drifts. Conditioning. 9/30 - CETA2, Falcon3 rack errors, gun blanker forced ON. Conditioning. 10/1 - clear errors in detector history details. check optics boards, stigmator power supply. Recovered on 10/2. 
  • 11/13/2020 - Chilled water interruption due to power outage, TMPp overheat and off, projection disabled, lens boards off, detectors off. Reset/powercycle chillers.  Reboot microscope PC/TEM server, restart Vacuum ON. Recovered on 11/13.
  • 11/30/2020 - Warm up detectors for planned chiller power interruption. Optics off.  Reboot microscope PC/TEM server, enable stage, deactivate holder type detector. Power cycle K3 power supply. Recovered on 12/1.
  • 1/23/2021 - Autoloader service error, unexpected cartridge. Recover mismatch, undock cassette, initialize, warm up. Recovered on 1/26.
  • 2/4/2021 - System standby mode for scheduled power outage (chillers), warm up three detectors. Initialize and activate optics boards; powercycle K3 power supply. Recovered on 2/5.
  • 2/6/2021 - Autoloader service error. Recover mismatch. Recovered on 2/8.
  • 2/10/2021 - Chilled water piping system has leakage. 2/11/2021 - Replace filter housing, replace Ceta camera support rack. LensC3, Obj Inner, Obj Middle boards critical error. 2/12/2021 - HP Proliant critial state. Lens boards error. Cycle flowmeter for lenses. Recoved on 2/13. A PCI card in HP server needs replacement.
  • 2/16/2021 - Power bump. Chiller stopped - reset chiller. Initialize lens boards, reboot K3.  Ceta2/Falcon CSU error - reboot CSU from Ceta2/Falcon service tools. 
  • 4/3/2021 - System down due to autoloader service error. 4/5, AL mismatch recovery. 4/6, Vacuum in Octagon too high. Column vacuum needs service. 4/7, vacuum service. 4/8, connect RGA, test vacuum leak. 4/9, test heater’s effect on vacuum. 4/13, vent column, adjust dewar. RGA test, possible leak at the heater cable connector to the column Dewar. 4/14, split column, accelerator off, replace the column Dewar. 4/15, reassemble the column parts, pump vacuum, repair chilled water filter housing. 4/16, random TEM PC crashes, SCWFPFilter failure. Unable to cast COM object of type ‘System.__ComObject’ to interface type ‘Fei.Infra.ProcessLauncher.IProcessInfo’. 4/19, phase plate found to be blown out, needs replacement. Replace microscope PC graphics card, new hardware needs to be configured.  4/20, phase plate is backordered (ETA not available). Optics alignment. 4/21, FEG supply failure. 4/22, multiple FEG supply failures. The accelerator needs service. 4/23, SF6 perssure low, possible SF6 leak, need refrigerator leak detector. 4/26, SF6 leak not detected. A SF6 valve is closed (should be open), open the valve. Back to operational on 4/28. Phase plate to be replaced at a future date when the parts become available. 
  • 5/10/2021 - Column service. 5/11, install phase plate and manifold pressure reducer, dust up stage gear, check HP server. Pump column vacuum. 5/12, align phase plate, conditioning column. 5/13, fix objective aperture alignment, phase plate not functioning. Back to operational on 5/14.
  • 5/19/2021 - Autloader error. Cartridge detected in empty gripper. Recover mismatch. 
  • 6/07/2021 - Thermo service, phase plate, CETA2, stage movement. 6/7 - increase phase plate (v2) power to 364mW; pp alignment, EFTEM alignmnet. warm up three detectors. 6/8 - vent projection, replace ceta2 sensor, pump projection, open compressed air to re-float the column air table, new ceta gain reference. Order stage X clamping block. 6/9 - parts delayed. 6/10 - replace stage X donator, clamping block, redefine center position, no improvement on X movement. Recovered on 6/11.
  • 6/14/2021 - Hallam replaced O2 sensors and UPS battery in the control panel. 
  • 8/16/2021 - Major stage/holder service. 8/16 - pre-service test, warm up system. 8/17 - ppal vacuum erroneously reported log1, to be replaced, order pirani penning gauge kf25. chiller off, lenses off, detectors warmed up, GIF/K3 power off, phase plate heater off, Igpf off, column split, remove old stage and holder. 8/18 - install new stage and holder. Chiller back on. Install software (not finished). 8/19 -  use the old DT holder for enabling (workaround), remove ST holder to insert a XG grid, re-install ST holder. 8/20 - order winch and band. 8/23 - replace hoist winch and band (belt worn out, slipping), borrow a clevis from NYC, order a new clevis kit, rebuilt column, pump vacuum. 8/24 - turn on beam, tune stage position, alpha tilt. 8/25 - chiller down, recover chiller, reset optics power, tune stage position. Support PC windows 7 not genuine message. 8/26 - test eucentricity, defocus. Clone hard drive. 8/27 - install software (not finished). 8/30 - troubleshoot software. 8/31 - warm up column. 9/1 - split column, pump vacuum. 9/2 - tune rough exchange position, rebuilt column, pump vacuum. 9/3 - C1 aperture error (Y sticky), manually center the C1 aperture, disconnect microE, LAN cable, to be replaced at tip change.  9/7 - the EPD bracket and lead cover from the new stage didn’t fit, swap to the bracket and lead cover from the old stage.  backup microscope settings. 9/8 - HT on, align optics, GIB, K3 power on. 9/9 - reinstall OS and software on the microscope PC from scratch. TUI 2.15.4. 9/10 - update storage server, install patches, clone harddrive. 9/13 - EPU/FEI tomography have license issues. 9/14 - fluscreen battery needs to be replaced (voltage very low at ~5V, should be 22.5V), order from Amazon. 9/15 - load standard specimens, test resolution. 9/16 - align phase plate, redo fluscreen gain. Flu cam crash (memory?) caused Tem Server crash (BrickBox error). Recover Tem server, HT. 9/17 - replace ppal, chilled water filter. hoist band still slips. 9/20,21 - align optics. 9/22 - stage calibration. Operational on 9/22. EPU2.12, Tomography 4.12.
  • 10/17/2021 - recover AL mismatch. Upon undocking cassette, ice contamination on cartridge ripper was detected and cleaned by warming up to ~185K. Conditioning Both. 
  • 10/20/2021 - connect Titan PC to internet (with Thermo approval), activate windows and acronis. Remove internet afterwards.
  • 10/21/2021 - replace fluscreen battery.
  • 1/2/2022 - Compustage controller malfunction, false manual input. 1/4/2022 - remote service. reboot PC/Tem server. Change extractor to 4400V. New gun alignment. Recovered on 1/5.
  • 1/31/2022 - Replace Winch. Change FEG emitter. Repair C1 aperture motor. Column alignment. Recovered on 2/10. Phase plate, cross grating broken when venting column. Hose to PVPp needs to be tightened. 
  • 2/14/2022 - Autoloader out of order. System down. 2/14 - remote service, AL power cycle. 2/15 - open autoloader, reconnect CRT gripper connector. Order the flexfoil clip. Tighten PVPp hose, PIRpv vacuum remains at log 79.
  • 3/11/2022 - replace PVPp. Loud noise remains.
  • 4/1/2022 - power off K3, swap PCI cards #2 and #5. Power up and new gain reference.
  • 5/6/2022 - System down due to chilled water outage. Lens board error. Disable cooling on Falcon3, Ceta, K3, power off GIF. Water restored in an hour (TMPp remains on). Reset Chillers. Initialize boards, cool down Falcon3, Ceta. Falcon3 cooling error -> reboot CSU -> recovers. Power off K3, switch on GIF power supply, power on K3. 
  • 5/9/2022 - K3 down. 5/18 - fix the angle of gas-ballast control on the buffer pump, no more noise. Install GMS 3.43.3213.0. Install patch Scoiadgt-2629 on Gatan pc. Install remote tecnai 3.4 on Titan PC.  Install new PCI card. Run GMS3.43 as admin->upgrade camera fw, upgrade camera processor fw -> shutdown Gatan PC completely -> start PC. 5/19 - install SerialEM4, python38, numpy, scipy. 
  • 7/5/2022 - warm up K3, Ceta2, Falcon3, power off GIF, power off K3. Shutdown chiller for leak repair (~3 hours). Restart Tem server, reboot CSU of ceta2, falcon3. power on K3, GIF. 
  • 9/6/2022 - weather related power interruption. Chiller poweroutage, lens board error. Recovered on 9/6.
  • 9/14/2022 - IGPf error, FEG Operate off, HT off. (restart Tem server). Warm start. 
  • 10/1/2022 - Power interruption. Chillers down. Detectors cooling down. Lens board error. Initialize lens board. Power cycle K3 power supply. Reset Alignments/FEG registers.
  • 11/10/2022 - Tem server crash (BrickBox error). Recovered on 11/11.
  • 11/17/2022 - Annual PM. Check x-ray, dark current. Install Rapid 4.0.16. Replace water filter. Lens board error (lens supply indicator red)-> retry initialize board later -> OK.
  • 12/5/2022 - warm up K3, Ceta2, Falcon3, power off GIF, power off K3. Shutdown chiller for leak repair (~3 hours). Restart Tem server, reboot CSU of Ceta2, falcon3. power on K3, GIF. 
  • 12/12/2022 - chiller stopped, temperature up to 28C. Recover chiller, power cycle K3 power supply. initialize optics boards.
  • 1/11/2023 - Fix chilled water leak in the microscope room.
  • 1/2/2023 - High tension lost. 1/11 - replace HT tank. HT restored on 1/16. 1/16 - K3 down. PCI card in slot #1 is bad. Swap cards in slot #1 and #5. UPS fault. Install replacement PCI card in slot #5. K3 restored on 1/18.
  • 1/30/2023 - Check batteries. Reset errors on UPS by Toshiba. Exit bypass mode.
  • 4/11/2023 - warm up K3, Ceta2, Falcon3, power off GIF, power off K3. Shutdown chiller for leak repair in 061B (~3 hours). Initialize optics board, reboot CSU of Ceta2, falcon3. power on K3, GIF. 
  • 3/29/2023 - Autoloader vacuum issues. 4/5 - replace Valco, install flexfoil clip. 4/6 - a bolt connecting to the cartridge gripper arm is found to be broken. 4/13 - install CRT feedthrough kit. Docker does not open/close properly and needs to be replaced. 4/17 - install docker. 4/18 - install CRT present sensor, replace a broken wire of Valak. 4/19 - fix DM hang. Kill DM, Remove ThermoScientificTEMPlugin.dll from ProgramData/Gatan/Plugins, Start DM, OK; Close DM, put the dll file back to the plugins, start DM, OK. Recovered on 4/20.
  • 6/26/2023 - A foreign object in the column interferes with the beam. Lost sight of the object during service. CSDBX17 connector was found to be linked to faulty TMPm activation (airlock cycle). Resume operation on 6/28/2023.
  • 7/7/2023 - Thermo serive, repair CSDBX17 connector on the stage.
  • 8/16/2023 - warm up K3, Ceta2, Falcon3, power off GIF, power off K3. Shutdown chiller for leak repair in 059E (~3 hours). Initialize optics board, reboot CSU of Ceta2, falcon3. power on K3, GIF. 
  • 8/17/2023 - K3 is out of order, slot5 PCI card bad, no activity light. 8/23 - swap #1 and #5, #5 has no activity light. 8/25 - replace #5 card. Recovered. 10/18 - replacement card arrived.
  • 10/3/2023 - Autoloader vacuum leak. 10/4 - remote service. 10/6 - parts arrived.  11/1 - Thermo on-site. 11/2 - replace a boring with o-rings of the CRT feedthrough. 11/3 - pump vacuum. 11/6 - PM, replace chilled water filter. Recovered on 11/6.
  • 11/30/2023 - Projection vacuum error due to chilled water interruptions. Thermo remote service recovered the TMPp.  Power-cycle K3 power supply, reboot CSUs, initialize lens boards.
  • 12/04/2023 - Partial shut down for chilled water pipe repair. warm up K3, Ceta2, Falcon3. Shutdown chiller for leak repair in 061B (~3 hours). Initialize optics board, reboot CSU of Ceta2, falcon3. powercycle K3. 
  • 12/11/2023 - Power outage. recover chillers. lens boards. K3. 
  • 12/17/2023 - House chilled water pipe inside the chiller for building water bursted. TMPp shutdown. Repaired by facilities. Powercycle K3, reboot CSU of Ceta2, Falcon3. Stop Tem server, restart Tem server. Start high tension.
  • 1/2/2024 - AC chiller maintenance. Replace a hose.
  • 1/29/2024 - NextGen network configuration.
  • 2/19/2024 - AL vacuum on stuck in orange after auto-retract OA (load cart while filling LN2). Remote service. Stop/Start Tem server no help. recover mismatch no help. unplug/plug ALSB X1 no help. Recovering mismatch two more times restored it. Initialize, then recover temperature.   
  • 3/19/2024 - Tem server crash. Brickbox failure. Stop and start Tem server. Switch on HT. Restart serialEM FEIserver. 
  • 5/5/2024 - K3 bad sync, channel #5 (0-9) shows zig zag artefact. Counting gain image shows artefacts in the same position. Quickscan->reset datalink->redo gain. Recovered.
  • 5/14/2024 - Krios projection vacuum failure. On-site diagnosis on 5/28. No visible broken parts. 
  • 4/25/2024 - vitrobot down. Replacement installed on 5/28.
  • 6/13/2024 - Chilled water pipe repair. Warm up K3, Ceta2, Falcon3. Power-off K3 powersupply. Shutdown chiller for leak repair in 059E (~3 hours). Initialize optics board, reboot CSU of Ceta2, falcon3. power on K3. Lens boards needed overnight stablization.
  • 6/14/2024 - Stage stablility issues (Thon ring cut-ff). 6/14, Replace the tubing of compressed air. Adjust air table. No improvement to the stage stability at LN2 temperature. No issue at r.t., vibration only at LN2 temperature. The engineer suspects the Dewar may need repair. 6/20, Nitrogen flush loading and Vacuum suck the Dewar, no improvement at LN2 temperature. A Column Dewar is ordered. 6/24, Dewar arrived. Split column between condenser and objective. Adjust a copper wire of the cryobox heat exchange bundle. 6/25, install the Dewar, reassemble the column. couldn’t get a temperature reading of FEG. IGPf embedded controller error. 6/26, troubleshoot Gun IGP, powercycle didn’t help. 6/27, IGPf communication re-established after resetting all the boards. 6/28, Pump vacuum and check vibration. 7/1, column alignment. Recoved on 7/2.
  • 7/4/2024 - Tem server crash, BrickBox error. Stop apps, start servers and apps. Turn on HT. Restart FEI-SEMserver.exe. 
  • 8/23/2024 - Chilled water pipe repair. Warm up K3, Ceta2, Falcon3. Power-off K3 powersupply. Shutdown chiller for leak repair in 059E (~3 hours). Initialize optics board, reboot CSU of Ceta2, falcon3. Power on K3. Lens boards needed overnight stablization.
  • 8/26/2024 - Gatan PC’s X: drive lost 3TB usable space. Instead of 10TB, only 7TB are usable.  The missing space reappeared on 8/30. 
  • 8/14/2024 - Stage tracking error when Y is < -830 um (was -830um on 8/14, -770um on 8/19, -760um on 8/23, -735um on 8/26, -723um on 8/30). To avoid the bad area, go to SerialEM -> Navigator - Montaging & Grids sub-menu -> Set Grid Limits, and type -650 in the lower Y dialog. Leave the others at default.  Clean the Y EPD, electronic positioning detector, recovered on 8/30.
  • 9/1/2024 - Stage X axis out of order. Stage slowly moves toward the plus end of X axis. Enable button flashes. Stop/Start Tem server. Recovered on 9/2.
  • 9/25/2024 - Tem server crash, BrickBox error. Stop apps, start servers and apps. Turn on HT. Restart FEI-SEMserver.exe. 
  • 9/24/2024 - Stage tracking error when Y is < -900um (was -900um on 9/24, -850um on 9/30, -750um on 10/11).  To avoid the bad area, go to SerialEM -> Navigator - Montaging & Grids sub-menu -> Set Grid Limits, and type -700 in the lower Y dialog. Leave the others at default. Replace Y microE on 10/14.
  • 10/18/2024 - K3 PCI card in slot2 broken. Thermo placed an order on 10/18. Replace the card on 10/22. Recovered on 10/23.
  • 11/11/2024 - PM. 11/11, update rapid to rapid5.0.2. 11/12, replace chilled water filter. 11/14, flush chiller, new water treatment. lensC3, lensObjMainMiddle shutdown after initial initialization, stabilized overnight. 
  • 11/24/2024 - Tem server crash, BrickBox error. Stop apps, start servers and apps. Turn on HT. Restart FEI-SEMserver.exe. 
  • 12/1/2024 - Column vacuum failure. IGPco can’t turn on. 12/2, order ion pump control unit (power supply). 12/3, reset power supply, IGPco restored. Replace ion pump control unit anyway, warm start.
  • 1/3/2024 - remote installation of D2i.
  • 2/1/2025 - K3 error, no camera controller found. Power-cycle K3 power supply, recovered.